Here’s some things I’ve done! Click the links for more information, videos, context, all kinds of good stuff 😬.
Generative Music App
An overview of my third year dissertation project, a generative music application developed with a UX focus. Written in Processing3 for tighter scoping. Evaluated qualitatively. Documented in a technical report and video presentation.
A Social Network Analysis of Star Wars
I came up with the project to better understand exponential random graph modelling (ERGM), and used it to test hypothesis on the correlation between force sensitivity and character interaction in Star Wars. Fun, but also informative!
Exploit: Scripting, Music and Sound
A game project I worked on with the university game dev society. Made in Unity, I was mostly creating music and sfx, but then I got to do the scripting so you could actually hear them in the game!
HOST - Humanising Online Services Toolkit
For Imago Software. I was BA on a small, agile team. We were collaborating with charities to develop a toolkit so charity services could go online, and delivered a full stack framework to facilitate that. My job was to help bridge the developers and the clients.
Little Town
Following along with the GameMaker Studio 2 tutorial, and then having a bit of fun tweaking it!