A Social Network Analysis of Star Wars
This was a fun project to test my learning in variety of disciplines related to social network analysis. Primarily it was a way to:
Improve my knowledge of R
Improve my ability to use R in RStudio
Convert external data into format compatible with statistical analysis
Apply descriptive statistics to explain a novel dataset
Use ERGMs to test hypotheses derived from the data
Use plots and graphs to clearly demonstrate the results of tests
Reporting the results
Outside of nice graphs, there was actually evidence to support the hypotheses - but no spoilers. The report can be viewed as a pdf which has all the information, and is actually pretty short and readable. If I say so myself.
Join in at home!
If you have RStudio you can run this project yourself by downloading the project files, unzipping them, opening ‘Star Wars Data.RProj’ and (making sure you install the required libraries) step through the code to follow the exact steps used to complete the report.